Thursday, September 15, 2011

Guest post - Susan Holt

Leadership has been on my mind quite a bit lately. I started a new role a few weeks ago and have been thinking about what kind of leadership my new organization needs, and where my style fits and diverges from those needs. I’ve been thinking about how to start, and re-reading “The First 90 Days” by Michael Watkins, a great book for first-time managers and new CEOs alike.

Even before my first day on this job, I’ve observed and benefited from the leadership approach of my new boss, Chairman of the NB Business Council and Sunny Corner Enterprises CEO Gordie Lavoie. I firmly believe the days leading up to and following a new employee’s start can really influence their long-term success. As Watkins would say, accelerating transition and development to “expedite everyone” helps make organizations better, faster, stronger.

Gordie has taken a very thoughtful approach to supporting my lead-up to day 1 and preparation for the weeks beyond. He has been in touch regularly, connecting me with those who can fulfill my administrative needs (payroll, etc) and initiating the planning process for my first 90 days on the job. He’s been clear and specific about his expectations but has also recognized my strengths and style, creating the space for me to set the course I see fit, while providing careful advice. Finally, Gordie has generously offered encouragement and positive reinforcement for my initial actions, both small and large.

In short, while I know Gordie is extremely busy with his day job, he has shown a commitment to both the Business Council and me by providing strong, intentional leadership during a critical time.

I’m sure as we further develop our working relationship, the frequency and nature of our communications will change, and the balance between Chair and CEO will reach an appropriate equilibrium. But for now, I’m grateful that he has recognized this transition as one deserving of his attention and skill. I’ve learned from him already and expect to continue doing so as my new leadership role unfolds.

Can you think of a transition you’ve been through when strong leadership made a difference? I would love to learn about it in the blog comments!


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