Last Friday, I spent the day at the TedxHalifax event of TedxNovaScotia. It was a fully loaded and truly eclectic day. I don’t even know how I would begin to summarize the day, so I submit to you tidbits of notes and thoughts I had over the course of the day. Enjoy
- Make your own granola bars
- Bring more balance to your life – but it doesn’t have to happen in one day
- Must-have for next Ideas Fest: a big screen updated with tweets of the event
- Become native to a place (i.e. learn about plants and trees)
- Invest in hay
- Listen to more Jenn Grant
- Let your light shine like Ben Caplan
- Learn about seasonal cooking
- “Make your fridge reflect your core values”, i.e. eat cows that have a view.
- Community is about safe space
- Take the Woodside Ferry more often, and sit on the top deck
Not bad for a Friday, eh?